Monday, October 31, 2005

Weekend in the LOO! =)

I had a GREAT weekend in the wonderful (manure smelling) town of Kitchener-Waterloo. Oh how wonderful it is to step outside nad smell the manure. I wonder how long it takes for these peopel to get used to it! "Sharon!? how long did it take you!!? hahah!" Anyway, thanks Jus, Adrienne and Shar for keeping me company, showing me around and really just spending so much time with me. I had SUCH a fun weekend ... so memorable and getting hooked on PB! CRAP! So addicted now!! Thanks alli for showing me the waterloo campus.. man it's big... so much bigger than mac. ANd thanks for all the good times people! =)

So in general, Turduck = GOOD, Nissan Japanese Flavoured Instant Noodle = GOOD, PB = GOOD --> Weekend + Friends = GREAT! =)

ET cru in the loo outside of Mango (ermm.. i forget the restaurant name! =) hahaha.. after church =)) Posted by Picasa

Turducken! (turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken!) YUM YUM! =) What a great meal guys! THANKS! =) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ming's birthday @ Boston Pizza Posted by Picasa

We were carving the pumpkin for Hallowe'en and decided to have a little more fun with the pumpkin guts! ;p Halloween 125-style! =)  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their xanga (but do blogspot because it's better) to let these people know.

5 wierd and random facts about me:
1. i'm stuck at 1 guys! crap!
Ermm... I'm stupidly a germaphobe, but my room is the messiest thing ever, and i can live with it.

2. WHen i get things started, i can never stop doing them. Such as hemming pants at 2am and working on them till 6 am, knowing that i have to study! =( And then repeating the next night! man i'm dumb! =(

3. I'm insanely forgetful about things that are relatively important, but i'll remember the stupidest details about people and occurances. Like I'll forget people's birthdays, or to bring something for someone the next day, but i'll remember exactly who used what dish and didn't wash it! =( I don't really think that this is the best thing ;p

4. OOh i watch gilmore girls every night before i go to bed, and then fall asleep to it. And now i can't sleep in silence anymore, it make me uncomfortable, and makes it harder for me to fall asleep.

5. I have this week, before a certain time every month, where i'll eat a disgusting amount of food and i'll never be full. I dun understand why, but i can just eat and eat and eat, and still always be hungry.

Man who am i gonna tag? No one reads my blog... And all the people that do, got tagged by sharon!! CRAP!! boourns!

I'll tag:
Richard tsang (on his msn blog), James Lau, Velsie, Will Chen (i mean yan), and Bri Leung! YES! i found 5 people!! (i dunno if they'll read it!)

SO after being locked away in my own little world for 7 straight days, i've finally finished my month of death, and now I'm FREE (just for two weeks). Unfortunately, I don't feel as good about this freedom as I expected to... i dunno.. still feeling uneasy about all of this. Whether or not this was the direction that God wanted me to go towards, and all that jazz. BUt it's a continuous struggle and feeling ... ermm... i dont' know what i'm feeling. I wish that there was this "see into the future thing" where I could honestly see if I'm heading remotely in the right direction. AHH... i just wanna find out!! =( waiting sucks.. being patient sucks... but in GOd's time... not mine! AHHH!! =)

Wow am i in this ever confused state... =\. But still somewhat lonely here in hamilton, probably self-induced with all of this studying. Oh well, going to Laurier this weekend, so that'll be fun i hope!! =) Oh well, head's spinning, i'm tired, time to nap or relax...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hrm, so what's been going on in my little world? Mostly been studying... a LOT a LOT! *sigh* This functional midterm is only worth 20% but i've been studying NIGHT and DAY for it, and sometimes i really wonder "is it really worth it?" But i guess since God really gave me this passion, i should really work my hardest at attaining this. Things have been looking up, haven't been as frustrated or nearly as stressed as expected. So that's a plus, and half way through my midterms, which is even more exciting! =)

I FINALLY cleaned my fish tank! Poor triton, hasn't had his water changed for like two months... or even more!! =( I dunno how he's still alive!! hahah! I'm a horrible pet owner! On my busiest day studying and all, i looked at the tank and saw some nasty green stuff growing. So i figured it was time. But he's all happy with his clean tank =) hahah!!

But other than that there really hasn't been much going on, but this not being able to download is KILLING ME!! stupid landlord won't let us download because we're getting our internet through him. So we apparently have "more bandwith" so it SHOULD be a faster connection, but it is not. =( And now with more bandwith, we're not even allowed to download because it's a corporate line... meaning that Cogeco will monitor and wont' allow us to dl. So now i've been finding other ways to get my shows (psst. if anyone wants to help and dl and send me shows via msn.... that's be GREAT! ;p). But right now our internet is REALLY SLOW, and if we complain to our landlord, he'll accuse us for downloading (which we aren't). SO I'm not sure what to do. =(

I also dropped off my laptop on monday, and it'll take 2-3 days to diagnose, and if it's the harddrive hardware that isn't working, then i have to wait for apple to send me another one! =( *sigh* at least it's still under warranty... but no laptop for me!! =( NOOOOOO!!!!!

OH and leadning bible study on reconciliation this friday... oh dear... feelings of inadequacy are DEFINITELY kicking in =( it's been a while.. so we'll see how it goes! =)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Wow, this is impressive, three in a matter of four weeks! =) I'm getting better with this. Attack of the killer MACS!! =(

Well midterms have started, and i just had two this week, not too bad! =) Actually quite impressed how calm I am about midterms. But yeah! Until last night! OH dear last night was interesting! =( After a wonderful evening with my small group, came home to have worship practice. Not too bad, until about midnight, when Jan told me that the exam schedule was up! So i checked and Lo and behold, Mac decided to screw me over again! =( I have first exam, first time slot, being my HARDEST exam! =( functional... *sigh* So yeah my exam schedule looked like 7, 8, 10, 10, and 21!! What the crap man?! And the functional practical woudl have been on the same day as my other midterm and i was freaking out. Cause i was taking my water course simply to boost my GPA, but having the exam on the same day woudl have been BAD!! =( So i was freaking out and like really afraid for finals, but THEN, i found out that we could sign up for three days for my functional practical... and so i will do that!! =) PTL!! That was a close one! So i'm quite happy now... and much more relieved. (but that was 24 hours later!... So 24 hours of freaking out).

Anyway, i also found out last night that my laptop was having some problems. It seemed to be running really slowly as if i had like spyware or something on it. But it's a MAC, there shouldn't be spy ware like that. Well anyway, i got so frustrated that i hit my laptop (not THAT hard), but i hit it and it started working. SO weird... anyway, i found out that something's not functioning right in the hard drive, and now I can't even relaly use my laptop =( *sigh* At least it's still under warranty, just for one more month! So yeah, i'm trying to make the best of that, but two weeks without my laptop =( OH well, i'll live! But otherwise i'm doing a-okay here!! THat's enough of a report! =) three more midterms to go!

Hey, visit waterloo Oct 29th?! sound good?!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

It's been a week since my last post, and the fact that i'm back here is an interesting thing =) I never usually update this often, but for you sharon i will ;p. My struggles seemed to have subsided slightly since my last post. I've really been blessed with wonderful people here at Mac who've really brough a smile nad just have been an awesome comfort to me. Everyday i've had someone close randomly come by and just have a chat with me. And i've really been able to share with them, but more importantly, they've all brought me little reminders of God. Like my personal devotions may have declined, but God still finds ways to speak to me.

I'm learning to let go. as much as i worry about school and the like, i'm learning to worry less and fill my time with worshipping and serving God. I truly believe that if I continue to remain faithful to God, He will continue to be faithful to me. So my stresses adn bitterness have subsided slightly, and as difficult as it is to let go, i'm slowly realeasing my insecurities and worries (one finger at a time), but i am starting to let it go.

September has been a time of change, with the people whom i spend the most time with, such as letting some go, and attitudes towards things like ccf and as much as i dislike change, it's inevitable. I just have to "go with the flow", and that's what I'm doing.

To everyone who has lent a listening ear, thanks for all your prayer, care and support. I think i was heading towards a downward spiral and i don't think i would have had a chance to get out of it.