Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I've been studying all day... =( Functional will be the end of me. =(

"Christians can be sure of hte bliss GOd has promised when they remember the length to which God was prepared to go to make it possible: they were "reconciled to God through death of his Son" " - so i guess this is just encouragement as you're studying! to remember to find joy in everything!

I just came across something funnie (kel sent it over) but enjoy. Happy studying everyone!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Harry Potter 4! =) Good movie! It got me really scared cuase I didn't know what was going to happen. =\ But otherwise, very good movie! =)

It's been a slow weekend, of practicing for functional and all... but it was nice. Having my partner fall asleep on me while i was drawing his UCL and RCL (ligaments in the elbow), or just catching up on all the one tree hill eps! =D Good times! BUt with exams looming around the corner, it's really tough to find joy in anything! =( I just hope that I will be able to continue to not feel really stressed and will be able to finish well without being burnt out.

On that note, i'm probably gonna be saying that i won't be blogging as often anymore, at least until exams are done. Unless something truly extraordinary has occurred! So i'm apologizing in advance.. =)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Passion TO!

I wasn't planning on going cause i have class and if it was gonna be packed, and couldn't get in, then i wouldn't have gone. But at 4, i get a txt msg from Jan and Ken saying that it wasn't packed at all and that i should go cause i'll definitely get in. And boy am i glad that I went.

What do you call a night of Charlie Hall, Chris Tomlin, and David Crowder leading worship?! ONE AWESOME NIGHT OF WORSHIP!! Man they are so good and it was just awesome worshipping with other brothers nad sisters from other campuses all looking for the same thing, to worship God. Louie then reminded us of how small and insignificant our lives our, yet still God loves and cares for us. I guess he illustrated how many stars there really are, and how tiny our solar system is compared to the galaxy and so on... I guess it definitely brings new light to "You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name". It's just awesome how much God truly loves and cares for us, despite how insignificant our lives on earth really are. I think it just puts us in our places.

Random thoughts and interesting facts from class:
"Sin" vs "sin"
Was doing some reading of "Understanding Paul" (for my religion class), and it was talking about sin. According to proverbs, "we do not live in an unstructured world where we are free to decide what is best for ourselves. The world - by divine wisdom - has been given an order that is good, promoting our life and well-being. HUman freedom amounts to the power people have to choose their response to the divinely created order". And according to Paul, "to enjoy life in a world created and ordered by divine goodness without responding with thanks to God is unnatural, perverse, sinful - and the root of all other sins" Apparently, there are two types of sins, "Sin" and "sin". "Sin" is not giving recognition to God, and the glory due His name. Whereas "sin" are actions in response to the fact that we don't give recognition to God ("Sin").

sin vs transgressions
I never knew what the difference between them was, i always thought that they were the same thing. But they aren't! Sin is doing something wrong (like morally wrong), but transgressions are sins that have been stated so by the "law" (the mosaic law in the hebrew bible (old testament)). The law brings out the chracter of sin and a transgression is a flagrant act of rebellion towards God. I guess i never thought of sin and transgressions being so severe, such as an outward act of rebellion.

Monday, November 21, 2005

WHEW! What a weekend!

Joda's farewell party on Friday night, poor guy's gonna do his residency in Montreal. Found out his wedding date is July ... ermm. a week after Judy's.. hahah1! =) So that's exciting.. sorta. I guess mixed feelings about it.. but i guess it's not my business.

Well, saturday, meeting, grocery shopping and hair DYE, and Shirley's Birthday bash! =) It was a super fun party, with lotsa food (so i was already in the like), but i think it really made me feel OLD! Everyone there was second year or something, and then there were just a handful of us that were in third and fourth. And i truly felt old and really outdated when a couple of the younger kids didn't know who Stevie Wonder was. MY GOODNESS!! So outdated!

Anyway, party was fun, then we went on our DYE night! =) Where we decided to dye our hair! But we decided to make it BLUE! But since our hair is black, we had to bleach to lighten, and then dye after (Which we're supposed to wait 15 days according to the package.. but i think we completely just ruined our hair.. but yeah we read the instructions too late). Started at 11 and stayed up till 2 doing it! but here's the end result:

It was too highlit, and I just figured that i was a little old for it, so today (sunday) we dyed the rest of it to Blue.
Here's what i looked like for a while:

Do you like the spikes?! =) Maybe this'll be my do for my brother's wedding! ;p
And here's the end result:

It doesn't look like i've changed anything, but the blue is seen under white light, ie. the SUN! =) So that's why i did it! =)

That's my weekend in a nutshell.. the rest of the week will be made studying. But if anyone wants to visit me this weekend (my housemates are leaving me, and the one left here is partying it up! =() SO anyone wanna come visit and keep me a little company?!?! it'll be FUN TIMES!! *wink wink nudge nudge* I know you wanna guys....!! ;p

Saturday, November 19, 2005


It's late, and i really shouldn't be blogging now, but I just watched Hero again for the second time. MAN it makes so much more sense watching it without *ahem* mr. Dan Lee *ahem* telling me what part is true and what part isn't! haha!! =) even though i fell asleep through the last part, i totally understood it a lot more!! So now i can truly say "What a great movie that HERO!" haha! =) k, enough said, long day ahead of me, and i really have to study!!! =( ARGH! exams!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

FINALLY!!! I have to blog about my tv shows, since tuesday nights seem to be the nights that i watch ALL my shows! (downloaded PB, gilmore girls, house, America's next top model... ) I think i on average spend at least 5 hours in front of the tv on tuesdays... what a WONDERFUL day! =)

Lorelai and Rory have reconciled! Took them ... ermm.. 8-9 episodes to do!? I don't even know what ep they're at cause i can't DOWNLOAD! (sf) GEEZ! And why does Rory have to be so annoying in order to get a job at that crappy paper? MAN! So much to complain about that show.. but yet, i still watch it and love it!

Life's good, schools okay (esp after getting loaded with much more work for functional.. TOO MANY DIAGRAMS, TOO MANY MUSCLES!! =( But i think after taking this class, i have SO much more of an appreciation for God's creation of the human body than i've ever had before. Such specific study of the body, really got me thinking about how complex we really are. And to think that God had planned out every little muscle, which has it's unique own functions. ANd i think we really take these little details for granted. Did you know that we have three muscles that act on the thumb? They may be little, but they are very important, and they each do something different to allow you to grasp things, or signal things, or whatever we have to do with our thumbs. Just for your thumb! And i guess this complexity for the human body has really just left me in awe of how much God really cares about each and every one of us. He put so much detail into us, and cares about our every needs. There should never be a reason for me to doubt Him and His plan for me. If he can spend so much time creating me perfectly in His image, then why would He not follow through on the things that He has set out for in my life? I really just have to continue in faith to live this path set out for me, and just keep plugging away at it (and through functional).

So I guess i'm more at peace with finals coming up... i just hope that i stay motivated to study!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What a wonderful weekend at Western! =)

Man, what can I say after a wonderful, eventful weekend at Western, but WOW!!! First off, I gotta thank all them people at Western for really just accomodating me and really welcoming me! Acf was fun and people there were really cool and definitely had this passion for God's kingdom to come on their campus, which is very refreshing! =)

But yeah, arriving Thursday night was fun! Watched OC, visited the slew of people living on SUMMIT! Good times! Man, in the future, i think a whole truckload of us should just buy houses all in the same community! Where we can just walk over to each other's houses to borrow things or just to hang out.. SO CONVENIENT! =) One can only imagine... or we all just reside in some small town something like Aurora (sorrie adrienne ;p) and like take over all those developing houses there!! SWEET! =) hehe!

Anyway, some old high school friends who i haven't seen since high school. I think that was DEFINITELY exciting.. we haven't really changed much, but it was good having lunch with them, and Ameet showed me around the western campus!1 GEEZ MAN!!! Western has way too much money to spend on their buildings! They're SO sweet!! All of their buildings are nicer than our nicest building!! It's ridiculous!! After this, i didn't wanna come back to crappy MAC's campus! =(
And I also saw my younger cousin on campus (how crazy is that?!) I totally forgot that he had transferred to western, but that was quite exciting seeing him again since i haven't seen him since last Christmas i think! What a small world, on such a HUGE campus

Went to Ken's mechanical kinematics class... ermm... quite boring, but VERY awkward walking in LATE, and walking to the front of a 30 person engineering class!! That was over, and then sat around, studied at Weldon library (which is awfully quiet and NICE... computer w/ flat screen at every desk.. geez!)

Good speaker at ACF, talking about Unity in the fellowship. And i thought that it was definitely a message that HCCF should have heard (since that's our theme this year), and it definitely was a good reminder for me as well.

(k this is getting to be long.. so i'm gonna summarize into point form)
Dinner at Crabby Joe's = good! =)
Hang out at 124 = good talk! =)
Shopping spree @ Masonville = Good times - new clothes, spent money = good times! =)
- Caleb holding our purchases and helping us choose clothes was great! =)
Dinner potluck at Peggy's
- making home made meatballs - which were really really good - way to go pegs ;p
- home made French Onion Soup by glen - quite stellar
- raw shake n'bake - ermm.. coulda been a little more cooked and i'm VERY surprised that i didn't get sick - *phew* that would sucked to get sick
- Caleb's tapioca fruit thing which was really good (esp since i dun normally like that stuff)

Waffles @ Williams - Ken and i ordered the "Whole lotta nuts" waffle... haha which was pretty good, but going up to the counter and ordering "Hi, i'd like to order a whole lotta nuts" isn't the best way to order it! hahah!! but that was good times. But i have to admit that Jliu's recommendation for Strawberry Caramel Waffle was definitely the best one! YUM!
Clubbing @ 29th Park - was interesting, having girls accuse us for not waiting in line, hearing Bryan Adam's "Summer of '69" playing, and old school 90s dance was ermm.. kinda out of the ordinary. But i think the kicker was the really sticky floors, and guys' hands getting a little out of hand. But it was pretty fun! =)
Sleep = Once again was very good! But kind of a shorter sleep!
Church @ GTA - was very interesting, good worship (kinda short), but very organized, and the speaker tended to yell a little much... but it was pretty good sermon! =)
Pho - was quite yummy! The service there was much better than B&T in Hamilton! =)

Boys prank - so the guys decided to pull a prank on the girls car. At the red light, all the guys decided to jump out of caleb's car, rush my car flip up all my windshield wipers (yes, even the back one) and flip in my side view mirrors. And by the time that i realized what they were doin, they had jumped into their car, and the light turned green! =( So i had to drive like 10 minutes with my windshield wipers up! One fell down while i was driving but still ... (sf)

SO ALL-IN-ALL: Trip to Western was a VERY memorable one!! I had a great time! Thanks again for all the fun! =)

And after seeing the campus, really really considering grad school in London...(psh... wasting all these years at mac! haha! ;p)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'VE UPDATED!! =D - Just for you Richard! =)

Anyway, had another great weekend in Toronto! =) Thanks for hanging out, studying and just all the good times with everyone!! =) Happy birthday again Justin, and I can't wait for the next event! CHRISTMAS!! ;p (although i will be back in Toronto in two weeks.. )

But driving back was CRAZY!! man the QEW is crazy when it's so windy. Adrienne and I were leaving Tako Sushi, and the wind was blowing all the leaves off all the trees!! It was crazy! kinda nice seeing all the yellow leaves and stuff, but also scary and sad at the same time. That means winter is coming! =( The season of scarves, hats, gloves and COLD! =( Oh well! But yeah, driving on the QEW was crazy coming back to Hamilton. Driving along Lake Ontario and the highway at such high speeds really blew my light integra around! I lost control of my car for a split second (many times) but it was so scary esp when passing people! (cause of course i have to drive fast ;p) But i made it back safely and everything! PTL!

We have a new member to our 125 Emerson family, Puumba! =) He's really cute, and our other original guinea pig was actually a BOY (So waffle = Timone now) hahah!! All this time we thought it was a girl! But they seem to be having a great time together playing and such ;p I'll update pictures soon! =) he's not comin out to play! =(