Friday, December 19, 2003

BAH GUYS!! I've been hearing of this MIX-UP of some people thinking that I'm going out with ken from western!?Sorrie guys, my best friend, but nothing more than there is no need to congratulate ken (or be worried about him) cause i'm not dating him. Ermm...yes guys. =) And i THAT BAD!!??!! *sigh* Anyway, the guy that i'm going out with now is a guy named BEN (not my brother to avoid any mix ups), and he's from MAC. He's also from Ottawa ... erm..yes.. =) That is all for now! =) sorrie for confusing you people, and Ken....erm....nm... i'll keep that comment to myself! =)

But otherwise, i'm back at home in TO..and it's good to be back...sorta! i also found out that i need glasses now...cause stupid lecture halls are too dark and i usually sit in the back cause there is less walking requied (tee hee hee), and so i can't really see clearly anymore. =( Dah blind! =( it was really weird, but i'm gonna get my glasses on you guys can see it erm....then i suppose? I dun need to wear them all time but still....glasses?!?! BAH!!!

ok..that's enough of freaking out for today! ;p

Saturday, December 06, 2003

I'm MAD procrastinating for my exam so i'm writting here and updating more often. Well if you wanna see what we've been up to at can just visit my imagestation albums here.

Okay...can't put off studying anymore, so ...yeah! I'll talk to you all later! :p

Friday, December 05, 2003

Whelps. it's been another month or so since i've last written, i think a lot has happened. =) I hope by now, you out of towners have gotten the cards that Janet and I sent, and for Justin, ALli and Sharon, sorrie for the no fishie in it. We had to save on postage....we'll give them to you later! =) But i hope that you all have a merry christmas! =) I'm smack in the middle of my exams and i should be studying, but i just felt the need to update you. It's been an interesting couple of weeks, as some of you know, I've started seein a new guy and it's been really cool. (If you want updates, don't be afraid to give me a shout via icq or e-mail or even a ring! :p) Been a little distracted from studying for my exams, but i'm still pulling through. I'm kinda getting by, and now it's getting better cause i'm starting to get my discipline back again. SO that's good! =) But yeah, we're still surviing (Janet and I) so yeah. Erm, yeah, sorrie guys i'm coming home on the 17th, not the 16th anymore. I realized that i have to get some stuff dealt with here before i go home, and so i figure that i don't want to rush and i'll stay an extra day here. But i'll have company so that's okay! =) To all u western kids, if you haven't gone home by the 17th, tell me, and i'll give u a visit since i'm going up there to pick Ken up and visit the campus. (Killin two birds with one stone! ;p yay). But otherwise, i hope to see you guys soon, i have to come back home and get some snow tires on the 10th or something like that, and so i will be coming back to TO for a day, but then i'm coming back up to do some more studying for my last exam. I'm sorrie shannon that you dont' start until the 17th! =( Boo McGill...but that just means that you have more time to study! ;p I was really rushed in my exams and studying for them. So that's KINDA good! =) but that means less time with you =(
But to the rest, i will see y'all when i get back! =) right right??? =) I hope so! Anyway, i gotta go study for my ex phys and biomechanics exam for monday and tuesday....cause i can't afford to get raped in those exams....that would be really bad. SO yeah! TTYL! and give me a shout, i'll get it and respond! =) Work hard and don't procrastintate like me!! God bless u on your exams! =)