Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Wow, it's been another 5 months since I've last posted here. Still here in Hamilton for summer school and volunteering. But it's been quite the interesting summer so far. Well, it's been pretty dull, but then i went to cc. I went, expecting nothing! It was one of those things that I had to do go to because I'm going to be serving on the CCF committee next year. But CC is where God really spoke to me and showed me things that i could never have expected. I was put into an AWESOME small group, full of other Godly christians, who are completely in love with God. It was refreshing to meet people who are completely in love with God. They shared their wisdom and love with me, and i think it was something that i've never seen/experienced before. I've developed friendships and accountability partners that will continue to help me grow in Christ. And I thank everyone in my group for their wisdom and prayer. i'm having a really hard time verbalizing my experience at CC, probably cause i'm still so tired from it. God showed me things at this conference, that i would have never expected to see, and i'm so grateful for going.

I think the awesome thing that i experienced at cc, was a vision for next year's ccf. I've always been a realist, especially when planning programs and so on. But i've always dreamed that CCF could do something SO awesome and reach out to the campus. Instead of being focused on unity among the members and attendees, we can be more service approached. And through serving our campus and the community, our fellowship will become unified, and ccf will be more exposed and will glorify God through our service. And after talking with other committee members, who have expressed the same vision, has gotten me really excited. God has really been working at cc, and i believe that He will continue to work in our ccf, if we continue with prayer. Because everything is meaningless without prayer. Planning, preparing and so on, is all worthless if God isn't the centre of it and if prayer isn't the main focus. (that's another thing that i've really taken away with me from cc)

Too many things happened, and i'm so excited about it. I'm excited to see what God does this year in ccf, and what He does through me. =) I guess that's about it for now, keep praying for me though guys. I don't want this to be like all the other conferences, and simply a high. But a change in lifestyle.