Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Passion TO!

I wasn't planning on going cause i have class and if it was gonna be packed, and couldn't get in, then i wouldn't have gone. But at 4, i get a txt msg from Jan and Ken saying that it wasn't packed at all and that i should go cause i'll definitely get in. And boy am i glad that I went.

What do you call a night of Charlie Hall, Chris Tomlin, and David Crowder leading worship?! ONE AWESOME NIGHT OF WORSHIP!! Man they are so good and it was just awesome worshipping with other brothers nad sisters from other campuses all looking for the same thing, to worship God. Louie then reminded us of how small and insignificant our lives our, yet still God loves and cares for us. I guess he illustrated how many stars there really are, and how tiny our solar system is compared to the galaxy and so on... I guess it definitely brings new light to "You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name". It's just awesome how much God truly loves and cares for us, despite how insignificant our lives on earth really are. I think it just puts us in our places.

Random thoughts and interesting facts from class:
"Sin" vs "sin"
Was doing some reading of "Understanding Paul" (for my religion class), and it was talking about sin. According to proverbs, "we do not live in an unstructured world where we are free to decide what is best for ourselves. The world - by divine wisdom - has been given an order that is good, promoting our life and well-being. HUman freedom amounts to the power people have to choose their response to the divinely created order". And according to Paul, "to enjoy life in a world created and ordered by divine goodness without responding with thanks to God is unnatural, perverse, sinful - and the root of all other sins" Apparently, there are two types of sins, "Sin" and "sin". "Sin" is not giving recognition to God, and the glory due His name. Whereas "sin" are actions in response to the fact that we don't give recognition to God ("Sin").

sin vs transgressions
I never knew what the difference between them was, i always thought that they were the same thing. But they aren't! Sin is doing something wrong (like morally wrong), but transgressions are sins that have been stated so by the "law" (the mosaic law in the hebrew bible (old testament)). The law brings out the chracter of sin and a transgression is a flagrant act of rebellion towards God. I guess i never thought of sin and transgressions being so severe, such as an outward act of rebellion.


At 11/23/2005 9:01 a.m., Blogger Daniel said...

Sounds like an interesting course.

How far back did you end up sitting? What time did you get back?

At 11/23/2005 1:07 p.m., Blogger sam.wong said...

good to see you at passion jo :) can't wait til next week :)

wow.. nice stuff with the sin, never thought if it like that.



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