Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their xanga (but do blogspot because it's better) to let these people know.

5 wierd and random facts about me:
1. i'm stuck at 1 guys! crap!
Ermm... I'm stupidly a germaphobe, but my room is the messiest thing ever, and i can live with it.

2. WHen i get things started, i can never stop doing them. Such as hemming pants at 2am and working on them till 6 am, knowing that i have to study! =( And then repeating the next night! man i'm dumb! =(

3. I'm insanely forgetful about things that are relatively important, but i'll remember the stupidest details about people and occurances. Like I'll forget people's birthdays, or to bring something for someone the next day, but i'll remember exactly who used what dish and didn't wash it! =( I don't really think that this is the best thing ;p

4. OOh i watch gilmore girls every night before i go to bed, and then fall asleep to it. And now i can't sleep in silence anymore, it make me uncomfortable, and makes it harder for me to fall asleep.

5. I have this week, before a certain time every month, where i'll eat a disgusting amount of food and i'll never be full. I dun understand why, but i can just eat and eat and eat, and still always be hungry.

Man who am i gonna tag? No one reads my blog... And all the people that do, got tagged by sharon!! CRAP!! boourns!

I'll tag:
Richard tsang (on his msn blog), James Lau, Velsie, Will Chen (i mean yan), and Bri Leung! YES! i found 5 people!! (i dunno if they'll read it!)


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