Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hrm, so what's been going on in my little world? Mostly been studying... a LOT a LOT! *sigh* This functional midterm is only worth 20% but i've been studying NIGHT and DAY for it, and sometimes i really wonder "is it really worth it?" But i guess since God really gave me this passion, i should really work my hardest at attaining this. Things have been looking up, haven't been as frustrated or nearly as stressed as expected. So that's a plus, and half way through my midterms, which is even more exciting! =)

I FINALLY cleaned my fish tank! Poor triton, hasn't had his water changed for like two months... or even more!! =( I dunno how he's still alive!! hahah! I'm a horrible pet owner! On my busiest day studying and all, i looked at the tank and saw some nasty green stuff growing. So i figured it was time. But he's all happy with his clean tank =) hahah!!

But other than that there really hasn't been much going on, but this not being able to download is KILLING ME!! stupid landlord won't let us download because we're getting our internet through him. So we apparently have "more bandwith" so it SHOULD be a faster connection, but it is not. =( And now with more bandwith, we're not even allowed to download because it's a corporate line... meaning that Cogeco will monitor and wont' allow us to dl. So now i've been finding other ways to get my shows (psst. if anyone wants to help and dl and send me shows via msn.... that's be GREAT! ;p). But right now our internet is REALLY SLOW, and if we complain to our landlord, he'll accuse us for downloading (which we aren't). SO I'm not sure what to do. =(

I also dropped off my laptop on monday, and it'll take 2-3 days to diagnose, and if it's the harddrive hardware that isn't working, then i have to wait for apple to send me another one! =( *sigh* at least it's still under warranty... but no laptop for me!! =( NOOOOOO!!!!!

OH and leadning bible study on reconciliation this friday... oh dear... feelings of inadequacy are DEFINITELY kicking in =( it's been a while.. so we'll see how it goes! =)


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